This Past Weekend: A Hilarious and Relatable Podcast That Feels Like Checking in with an Old Friend

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If you’re looking for a podcast that feels like a weekly catch-up with an old friend, then “This Past Weekend” is the one for you. Hosted by the hilarious and relatable Theo Von, this podcast has been a staple in my weekly routine for the past year, and I haven’t missed an episode yet!

Why I Love “This Past Weekend”

One of the things I love about “This Past Weekend” is the wide range of topics covered. From current events to personal anecdotes, Theo keeps the content fresh and engaging. His unique and often hilarious takes on these topics make each episode a joy to listen to. Whether he’s interviewing a guest or just sharing his thoughts, the show never fails to entertain.

Theo Von’s Hosting Style

Theo Von
Theo Von | Photo via Rolling Stone

Theo’s hosting style is refreshingly straightforward and relatable. He doesn’t put on airs or try to sound like a formal show host. Instead, he comes across as a regular guy who happens to be a comedian. His humor-infused insights are not only entertaining but often make good sense, offering a unique perspective on life.

Personal Connection and Enjoyment

Listening to “This Past Weekend” feels like checking in with an old friend. Theo’s humor, authenticity, and relatability make me feel uplifted and generally improve my day. From the music selection to Theo’s goofy antics, the podcast creates an enjoyable atmosphere that keeps me coming back week after week.

Theo’s Honesty About Struggles

One of the things I appreciate most about Theo is his honesty about his struggles with addiction and real-life issues. His openness adds depth, relatability, and authenticity to the podcast. His willingness to share personal experiences can be inspiring and comforting to listeners, making the podcast even more meaningful.

Standout Episodes

There have been many memorable episodes, but a few stand out as my faves:

Overall Recommendation

★★★★★ 5/5 Stars

In summary, “This Past Weekend” is a must-listen podcast. Its humor, relatability, authenticity, and entertaining nature make it a standout in the podcast world. I believe everyone should give it a try – it’s had a positive impact on my life, always leaving me with a smile and a better outlook.

I give it a solid 5/5 stars.

It’s a definite must-listen!

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